Use Term from Flat Vocabulary in a Form

Use Term from Flat Vocabulary in a Form

Story: User can choose terms from an existing flat vocabulary, for use in a form. E.g., the Acquisition Method section in the Acquisition wireframe.

Note: Should this specify all the forms we put this into, or should it have a story per form, or something else? Current thinking is that this does not require association, but is like a scalar value used in a schema. Nevertheless, to capture the work we need to specify this per form, until we have all the underlying stories complete and can gloss over the details.

User Story

See also:

Note: This assumes that the field has been configured for use with the vocabulary. This assumes that there are terms in the vocabulary. If the related story about adding terms to a flat vocabulary is complete, then this sotry should be able to use a new term (even if tentative) in the form.

Related User Stories:
Derived Stories: