Vocabularies and Authorities Functional Analysis

Vocabularies and Authorities Functional Analysis

Vocabulary and Authority Administration

Entities (persons, groups, organizations)

Allows user to search the Entities authority via free-text field.

Use: Frequent

Search Entity Vocabulary.jpg

More Search Options

Allows user to search the Entities authority via free text and several advanced search fields (e.g. user, status, source).

Use: Often

Advanced Search Entity Vocabulary.jpg


Allows user to edit basic information about the Entity.

Use: Frequent


  • This tab contains the "Status" field that allows users to change new authorities from "Quick added, needs attention" to "In progress" or "Complete."
  • Terms with a status of "Quick added" do not appear in the public interface, even if they are used by a record that is publicly available.

Entity Basic Top.jpg
Entity Basic Bottom.jpg


Users can add alternate names. The fields are jointly repeatable.

Use: Often

Entity Synonym.jpg


Users can add multiple addresses for each entity.

Use: Sometimes

Entity Addresses.jpg

Contact Info

Users can select contact type (name, phone number, email, fax) from a drop-down menu and add to the authority.

Use: Sometimes

Entity Contact Info.jpg


Users can select attribute type ("Historical Notes" or "Country") from a drop-down menu and add a value via a free text field

Use: Never

Entity Attributes.jpg

Vocab Terms

Users can search for and add related vocab terms.

Use: Never

Entity Vocab Terms.jpg


This tab allows users to establish relationships between authorities in the Entities and Occurrence authorities (productions, publications).

Use: Never

Entity Relationships.jpg

Change Log

Logs any actions registered users perform on the record. This is the only place that the DB ID number for the authority shows up on the user interface.

Use: Frequent

Entity Change Log.jpg


Lists all objects that have established relationships to the authority. User may pivot to related objects.


  • The list cannot be sorted or refined.

Use: Frequent

Entity Usage Top.jpg

Productions/Publications (Occurrence)


Allows user to search the Occurrences authority.

Use: Frequent


  • The search function on the "Productions" tab only searches productions, and the search function on "Publications" only searches publications.

Screenshots: same as above

More Search Options

Allows user to search the Occurrence authorities via free text and several advanced search fields (e.g. user, status, source).

Use: Often

Screenshots: same as above


Allows user to edit name and basic information about the Entity

Use: Frequent


  • This tab contains the "Status" field that allows users to change new authorities from "Quick added, needs attention" to "In progress" or "Complete."

Occurrence Basic.jpg


Users can add alternate names. The fields are jointly repeatable.

Use: Often

Screenshots: same as above


Users can select attribute type from a drop-down menu and add a value via a free text field or a numeric field (for dates).

Use: Frequent

Occurrence Attributes.jpg

Vocab Terms

Users can search for and add related vocab terms.

Use: Never

Screenshots: same as above


This tab allows users to establish relationships between vocabulary terms in the Entities and Occurrences authorities.

Use: Never


  • Many items in the production authority attributes tab should be vocabulary terms (e.g. director names, production companies); however, this functionality was added after much free text had already been entered. Possible to migrate this data as vocab terms?

Screenshots: same as above


This tab allows users to map hierarchical relationships between authorities.

Use: Never

Screenshots: same as above

Change Log

Logs any actions registered users perform on the record. This is the only place that the DB ID number for the authority shows up on the user interface.

Use: Frequent

Screenshots: same as above


Lists all objects that have established relationships to the authority.

Use: Frequent


  • The list is automatically sorted by accession number and cannot be sorted or searched.

Screenshots: same as above

Vocabulary and Authority Usage Notes

  • Currently, vocabulary terms cannot be added "in-stream" to a cataloging, acquisition (lots), or vocabulary term record.
  • Vocabulary terms are added via the "relationships" tab, and then a relationship term is selected via dropdown.
  • The data map for cataloging shows how these terms should be parsed out to new fields in CSpace.
  • Vocabularies are currently non-hierarchical. Again, this functionality was added late, and a retrospective data conversion was not done. More important to the MMI implementation are see / see also (U / UF) type relationships.