User Manual: CSV Importer: Create a Connection
In order to use the CollectionSpace CSV Importer, you must create a connection between it and your instance of CollectionSpace. You only need to do this once per CollectionSpace instance - most users will only have one connection.
Create a Connection - User
Log in as a user who has been Enabled and assigned to a single active Group
Click on your username in the top right of the screen to view your User Details
Select Create a Connection + from the top right of your screen
Enter a Name for the Connection
Enter the Services URL for the connection, e.g.
Not sure what your services URL is? Ask LYRASIS or your system administrator
Enter the username and password you use with that instance of CollectionSpace (not your login/username for the batch updater)
Enter the Profile & Version for the Connection.
If your Group has a default Profile and Version, the Profile & Version field will be pre-filled.
If your Group does not have a default Profile & Version, begin typing to view a list of available Profiles & Versions.
Tip: To find out the Profile & Version of your CollectionSpace instance, check the lower right corner of your login page.
Standard profiles are: core, anthro, bonsai, botgarden, fcart, lhmc, materials, and publicart
Click Submit
The Roles and Permissions assigned to the CollectionSpace username/password in your connection control what you may do with the CSV Importer. For instance, if your CollectionSpace user only has read permissions, you will not be able to transfer any records using this tool.
SPECIAL NOTE: Transferring records as deletes performs a true, “hard delete” of the records. To do this, your user will need to have the TENANT_ADMINISTRATOR Role/Permissions.