Fees and costs
Needed by whom and when
Basic statements about who needs the functionality and by when.
PAHMA: Some functions needed by the time they move to CollectionSpace as their production system. In 10/20 meeting PAHMA stated this is a nice to have but is indeed part of current functionality.
PAHMA needs to track fees associated with some kinds of transactions, notably related to loans out. These might be just custom fields on loans out schema. In discussion, a repeatable group of fields based on a common fees schema that could act as a widget that could be added where needed could be valuable.
Question: What are the other transactions that might have fees?
Question: Do you need to track if fees are paid or just amounts?
Question: What is the schema for fees and costs (e.g., fee type, amount, currency, payment status, note)?
Question: Are there multiple types of fees on one type of transaction (suggesting a repeatable field or group)?
User stories for definition
Please feel to rewrite these or eliminate completely! Then move to the prioritized headings below.
Fees and costs: User may identify the fees and costs associated with a loans out transaction (single).
Fees and costs: User may identify fees and costs associated with a transaction (repeating).
Fees and costs: System will calculate and display the sum total of multiple fee-cost line items on a transaction.
Others to be developed for other transaction types.
Prioritization of user stories
As definitions and priorities are clarified, the user stories above should be moved into relative order below.
Must have for 1.x-MUSEUM (when they go live in system)
Placeholder for required functionality. As a general rule, functionality that you need and use now should go here or where you have existing data. However, this is up to the museum. We will have to balance requirements against resources and timelines.
MUSEUM could wait six to twelve months
What could wait? These will be re-prioritized at a later date.
MUSEUM would like to have this eventually
These are nice to have but not a near term requirement.