Place authority for complex collection sites

Place authority for complex collection sites

Needed by whom and when

Basic statements about who needs the functionality and by when.

PAHMA and UCJEPS: Some functions needed by the time they move to CollectionSpace as their production system


Objects from specimen and artifact collection sites have complex requirements.  There is definitely a hierarchical nature to locations on archaeological sites.  Sites occur within regions of course, but within sites there are entities like houses and features that can contain excavated objects.

Extending the place authority and the collection site authority could handle most of basic requirements.  Being able to identify the type of place (e.g., "archaeological site", "archaeological feature on a site") would be helpful, and might want to tie custom fields to custom lists based on that place type.

Question: Could these be modeled as subresources of the place authority or the collecting event authority rather than (or in addition to) extensions? Are there some similarities here to herbaria and paleontology requirements?  Questions: Is this poly-hierarchical?  Can we do this without talking about stratigraphy?  Susan: These are part of geography in the sense that they extend the hierarchy, but they need extra fields of their own and they need to be associated with other things such as media, people. They might be part of a domain customization. We discussed whether they could be subresources and whether adding subresources to objects/procedures/authorities could be a customization method.

User stories for definition

Please feel to rewrite these or eliminate completely!  Then move to the prioritized headings below.

Complex sites: Place authority and collection site authority can be extended to include fields needed for complex sites.  Question: What are some of the schema requirements (i.e., fields)?

Complex sites: Parent records in collection site or place authorities can be identified hierarchically.

Complex sites: Parent records in collection site or place authorities can be identified poly-hierarchically.

Complex sites: Custom fields in other schema (e.g., core object) can be tied to custom lists derived from subset of collection site or place authority (e.g,. based on place type field, e.g., "archaeological site", "archaeological feature on a site")

Complex sites: Searching. Question: What searching capabilities are required and wanted?

Prioritization of user stories

As definitions and priorities are clarified, the user stories above should be moved into relative order below.

Must have for 1.x-MUSEUM (when they go live in system)

Placeholder for required functionality.  As a general rule, functionality that you need and use now should go here or where you have existing data.  However, this is up to the museum.  We will have to balance requirements against resources and timelines.


MUSEUM could wait six to twelve months

What could wait?  These will be re-prioritized at a later date.


MUSEUM would like to have this eventually

These are nice to have but not a near term requirement.
