UCB requirements August 2011
UCB requirements August 2011
Note: The following user stories are in draft form and are only roughly prioritized. They represent several high priority areas based on discussions with PAHMA, UCJEPS, and HAVRC. These are being described so that local development teams can work on design and ask questions.
What our deployers are asking for right now
- Advanced Search (PAHMA): User can paste in a set of object numbers or specify a range of object numbers to be found in an advanced search (PAHMA). Or... create a batch process that will read a list of object numbers (in a file or window, whichever is easiest), and create a group/saved set.
- Sticky Fields (UCJEPS): Based on the record we are editing, create a new record that retains some of the values on the current record (e.g., keep last-used scientific name on UCJEPS media handling). Could this be done via batch processing? It would need to be invoked from the current record.
What we really should be working on
- Place authority: Schema is 98% done and will be good enough by Thursday, 18 August. (ALL)
- Complex relationships between Objects records (hierarchical, non-hierarchical; Chris to define) (ALL)
- Complex relationships between Media Handling records (hierarchical, non-hierarchical; Chris to define) (ALL)
- Non-hierarchical relationships between authority terms (e.g., synonymy) (ALL) See the wireframe that includes the Related Terms repeatable field group on the /wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274420
- History of changes: Store createdBy and updatedBy user identifiers some place where we can get them with a report
- Batch processing: Teach us how to do this.
- Citation authority (ALL): Jan working on schema
- Report administration user interface. Is this already on a roadmap?
- Bulk import of media files (could this be done as a batch processing job?) (ALL)
- Media viewing: Pan and zoom (User can view large images in a pan-and-zoom image viewer like tilepic, zoomify, GoogleMaps, or IIPImage)
- Media Handling: Actionable link to a URL for an asset in another system (earlier described as: Image media viewing: On Media record, user can specify a link to an image file stored in a separate system (e.g., a digital asset management system or repository). CSpace not expected to pass authn credentials; user will authenticate if needed. Ideally, this field would be repeatable and have associated attributes to be determined (e.g., date, type, note). As a result , the Image Record would not need to have an Image File uploaded. However, an Image Record that does have an Image File could use this field to identify where other versions of this image are deposited (e.g., CollectionSpace could have a JPEG while a repository has the TIFF).
We are assuming this is going to get done based on past conversations but wanted to mention
- Authority bug (links to records in custom authorities not working): Some work is underway on this problem though timing of the fix is unclear (see Jiras CSPACE-3580 v1.x, CSPACE-3578 fixed in v1.8, 3579 v1.x, 3588 v1.12)
These are also important and are coming up soon to various degrees
- Crates and mobile containers (new fields on storage locations plus some intelligence tied to movements)
- Delphi integration
- Specimen treatments and botanical propagation
- Attach PDF, Excel, Word, anything -- no viewing needed, just a simple attachment model
- Subloans
- Customizing field groups by adding new fields: According to SMK, this will be done by 2.0
- Public web site: According to MMI, they are building this. Will it be generalized so that others can use it?
Other needs that have come up in recent conversations
- Hierarchies in Organization authority - This is a must have and was communicated to CSpace team.
- Change password - Users need a way to change their password.
- Structured dates - Need to be able to use these in repeating fields and repeating field groups.
- Search across hierarchical and other relationships.
- Search across structured dates - can be based on actual dates (early, late) and qualifiers
- Advanced search - Allow operators: >, <, , >=, <+, not equals, range (between)
, multiple selections available,