Structured Objects - QA Test Plan

Structured Objects - QA Test Plan

Test 1

Test 1a

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Object Cataloging record
    2. Set the Identification Number to 2012.12.1a
    3. In the Hierarchy section at the very bottom of the data entry form, set the broader object to 2012.12.1 (add new when prompted)
    4. Set a broader object type to work (verso)
    5. Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.1 (add new when prompted)
    6. Set its object component type to separable part
    7. Add a repeatable object component to 2012.12.1a.2 (add new when prompted)
    8. Set its object component type to non-separable part
    9. Save
  • Expected:
    • Broader object (2012.12.1), object components (2012.12.1a.1, 2012.12.1a.2) and equivalent component (none) should be correct
    • Object component types of work (verso) for the Broader object, and separable part and non-separable part for the object components should be correct

Test 1b

  • Actions:
    1. Continue editing 2012.12.1a
    2. Hover over the Object number in the Broader object field and click on the link in the pop-up to travel to that record
  • Expected:
    • You should navigate to the record for 2012.12.1
    • Check that the object component (2012.12.1a), equivalent object (none) and broader object (none) are correct
    • Check that the object component type (verso) is correct

Test 1c

  • Actions:
    1. Search for 2012.12.1a.2 and navigate to that record
    2. Try to type something in the equivalent component field
  • Expected:
    • Equivalent component field should be read-only and nothing should happen when you type. That field should continue to contain 2012.12.1a.1
  • Actions:
    1. Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.2a (add new when prompted)
    2. Add a repeatable object component to 2012.12.1a.2b (add new when prompted)
    3. Save
  • Expected:
    • Check that the object component list (2012.12.1a.2a and 2012.12.1a.2b), broader object (2012.12.1a), and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.1) are correct.
  • Actions:
    1. Add another object component to 2012.12.1a.2c (add if necessary when prompted)
    2. Save
  • Expected:
    • Check that the object component list (2012.12.1a.2a, 2012.12.1a.2b, 2012.12.1a.2c), broader object (2012.12.1a), and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.1) are correct.
  • Actions:
    1. Hover over 2012.12.1a.2b and click on the link in the pop-up to travel to that record
  • Expected:
    • The record 2012.12.1a.2b should load
    • Check that broader object (2012.12.1a.2) and equivalent components (2012.12.1a.2a, 2012.12.1a.2c) are correct.

Test 1d

  • Actions:
    1. Search for 2012.12.1a.1, and open that record.
  • Expected:
    • Check that broader object (2012.12.1a) and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2) are correct.

Test 1e

  • Actions:
    1. Continue editing 2012.12.1a.1
    2. Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.1a (add new when prompted)
    3. Add an object component to 2012.12.1a.1b (add new when prompted)
    4. Save
  • Expected:
    • Check that broader object (2012.12.1a), equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2), and object components (2012.12.1a.1a, 2012.12.1a.1b) are correct
    • Check that the broader object type is the correct reverse (work (separable part)

Test 1f

  • Actions:
    1. Fill in any text field
    2. Save
  • Expected:
    • Check that broader object (2012.12.1a), equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2), and object components (2012.12.1a.1a, 2012.12.1a.1b) are still correct

Test 1g

  • Actions:
    1. Search for 2012.12 on Cataloging
  • Expected:
    • Ensure the list is complete, and then browse to several to ensure their Object Hierarchy sections are correct. The hierarchy for these nine (9) structured objects should look like this:
  • 2012.12.1
    • 2012.12.1a
      • 2012.12.1a.1
        • 2012.12.1a.1a
        • 2012.12.1a.1b
      • 2012.12.1a.2
        • 2012.12.1a.2a
        • 2012.12.1a.2b
        • 2012.12.1a.2c

Test 2

Test 2a

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Cataloging record
    2. Fill out Identification number
    3. In the Object Component field enter 2012.12.1a.2b
  • Expected:
    • A dialog should appear saying "2012.12.1a.2b currently has the broader record 2012.12.1a. Its broader record will be changed when this record is saved."

Test 2b

  • Actions:
    1. Save the record
  • Expected:
    • After the successful save messge appears, 2012.12.1a.2b should be displayed as entered

Test 2c

  • Actions:
    • Hover over the Object number for 2012.12.1a.2b and click the link that appears in the pop-up
  • Expected:
    • The broader context for record 2012.12.1a.2b should be the record you created in Test 2a

Test 2d

  • Actions:
    1. Return to the record you created in Test 2a
    2. Try to delete the record
  • Expected:
    • You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."

Test 2e

  • Actions:
    1. Remove the object component
    2. Add a broader object
    3. Try to delete the record
  • Expected:
    • You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."

Test 2f

  • Actions:
    1. Add an object component
    2. Try to delete the record
  • Expected:
    • You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."

Test 2g

  • Actions:
    1. Remove both the object component and the broader object
    2. Save the record
    3. Try to delete the record
  • Expected:
    • You should be able to successfully delete the record
  • Actions:
    1. Search for the record
  • Expected:
    • The record should not appear in the search results

Test 3

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Object Cataloging record
    2. Set the Identification Number to 2013.12.1a
    3. Enter text into at least one text field
    4. Enter a value into at least one autocomplete field
    5. Do NOT save
    6. Set the broader object to 2013.12.1
    7. Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
  • Expected
    • Clone button is inactive
  • Actions
    1. Save the record
    2. Set the broader object to 2013.12.1
    3. Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
    4. Save the record
    5. Using the right sidebar, add a related procedural record of any kind
    6. Set the broader object to 2013.12.2 (choose clone from the pop-up when prompted)
    7. Save
  • Expected:
    • Broader object should save successfully
  • Actions:
    1. Continue editing 2013.12.1a
    2. Hover over the broader object field for 2013.12.2 and click on the linked ID number in the pop-up
  • Expected:
    • The record 2013.12.2 should load
    • The record should match the record you printed out for 2013.12.1a, including any data you added to the text and autocomplete fields, except:
      • The Identification number should be 2013.12.2
      • There should be no related records in the right sidebar
  • Actions:
    1. In the top center search box, enter 2013.12.1 and click Search
    2. Click the link to 2013.12.1 in the search results list
  • Expected:
    • The record 2013.12.1 should load
    • The record should match the record you printed out for 2013.12.1a, including any data you added to the text and autocomplete fields, except:
      • The Identification number should be 2013.12.1
      • There should be no related records in the right sidebar or hierarchy section

Test 4

  • Actions:
    1. In the top center Search box, enter 2013.12.1a and click Search
    2. Click the link to 2013.12.1a in the search results list
  • Expected:
    1. The record 2013.12.1a should load
  • Actions:
    1. Edit at least one field and remember what you edited
    2. Do NOT save
    3. Add an object component 2013.12.1a.1
    4. Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
  • Expected:
    • The clone button is inactive
  • Actions:
    1. Save the record
    2. Add an object component 2013.12.1a.1 (select clone from the pop-up when prompted)
    3. Save the record
    4. Hover over the broader object field for 2013.12.1a.1 and click on the linked ID number in the pop-up
  • Expected:
    • The record 2013.12.1a.1 should load
    • The record should match the record 2013.12.1a including the change you just made, but with the ID number 2013.12.1a.1, and without related records.