Structured Objects - QA Test Plan
Structured Objects - QA Test Plan
Test 1
Test 1a
- Actions:
- Create a new Object Cataloging record
- Set the Identification Number to 2012.12.1a
- In the Hierarchy section at the very bottom of the data entry form, set the broader object to 2012.12.1 (add new when prompted)
- Set a broader object type to work (verso)
- Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.1 (add new when prompted)
- Set its object component type to separable part
- Add a repeatable object component to 2012.12.1a.2 (add new when prompted)
- Set its object component type to non-separable part
- Save
- Expected:
- Broader object (2012.12.1), object components (2012.12.1a.1, 2012.12.1a.2) and equivalent component (none) should be correct
- Object component types of work (verso) for the Broader object, and separable part and non-separable part for the object components should be correct
Test 1b
- Actions:
- Continue editing 2012.12.1a
- Hover over the Object number in the Broader object field and click on the link in the pop-up to travel to that record
- Expected:
- You should navigate to the record for 2012.12.1
- Check that the object component (2012.12.1a), equivalent object (none) and broader object (none) are correct
- Check that the object component type (verso) is correct
Test 1c
- Actions:
- Search for 2012.12.1a.2 and navigate to that record
- Try to type something in the equivalent component field
- Expected:
- Equivalent component field should be read-only and nothing should happen when you type. That field should continue to contain 2012.12.1a.1
- Actions:
- Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.2a (add new when prompted)
- Add a repeatable object component to 2012.12.1a.2b (add new when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that the object component list (2012.12.1a.2a and 2012.12.1a.2b), broader object (2012.12.1a), and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.1) are correct.
- Actions:
- Add another object component to 2012.12.1a.2c (add if necessary when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that the object component list (2012.12.1a.2a, 2012.12.1a.2b, 2012.12.1a.2c), broader object (2012.12.1a), and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.1) are correct.
- Actions:
- Hover over 2012.12.1a.2b and click on the link in the pop-up to travel to that record
- Expected:
- The record 2012.12.1a.2b should load
- Check that broader object (2012.12.1a.2) and equivalent components (2012.12.1a.2a, 2012.12.1a.2c) are correct.
Test 1d
- Actions:
- Search for 2012.12.1a.1, and open that record.
- Expected:
- Check that broader object (2012.12.1a) and equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2) are correct.
Test 1e
- Actions:
- Continue editing 2012.12.1a.1
- Set an object component to 2012.12.1a.1a (add new when prompted)
- Add an object component to 2012.12.1a.1b (add new when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that broader object (2012.12.1a), equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2), and object components (2012.12.1a.1a, 2012.12.1a.1b) are correct
- Check that the broader object type is the correct reverse (work (separable part)
Test 1f
- Actions:
- Fill in any text field
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that broader object (2012.12.1a), equivalent component (2012.12.1a.2), and object components (2012.12.1a.1a, 2012.12.1a.1b) are still correct
Test 1g
- Actions:
- Search for 2012.12 on Cataloging
- Expected:
- Ensure the list is complete, and then browse to several to ensure their Object Hierarchy sections are correct. The hierarchy for these nine (9) structured objects should look like this:
- 2012.12.1
- 2012.12.1a
- 2012.12.1a.1
- 2012.12.1a.1a
- 2012.12.1a.1b
- 2012.12.1a.2
- 2012.12.1a.2a
- 2012.12.1a.2b
- 2012.12.1a.2c
- 2012.12.1a.1
- 2012.12.1a
Test 2
Test 2a
- Actions:
- Create a new Cataloging record
- Fill out Identification number
- In the Object Component field enter 2012.12.1a.2b
- Expected:
- A dialog should appear saying "2012.12.1a.2b currently has the broader record 2012.12.1a. Its broader record will be changed when this record is saved."
Test 2b
- Actions:
- Save the record
- Expected:
- After the successful save messge appears, 2012.12.1a.2b should be displayed as entered
Test 2c
- Actions:
- Hover over the Object number for 2012.12.1a.2b and click the link that appears in the pop-up
- Expected:
- The broader context for record 2012.12.1a.2b should be the record you created in Test 2a
Test 2d
- Actions:
- Return to the record you created in Test 2a
- Try to delete the record
- Expected:
- You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
Test 2e
- Actions:
- Remove the object component
- Add a broader object
- Try to delete the record
- Expected:
- You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
Test 2f
- Actions:
- Add an object component
- Try to delete the record
- Expected:
- You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive the message "Identification number cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
Test 2g
- Actions:
- Remove both the object component and the broader object
- Save the record
- Try to delete the record
- Expected:
- You should be able to successfully delete the record
- Actions:
- Search for the record
- Expected:
- The record should not appear in the search results
Test 3
- Actions:
- Create a new Object Cataloging record
- Set the Identification Number to 2013.12.1a
- Enter text into at least one text field
- Enter a value into at least one autocomplete field
- Do NOT save
- Set the broader object to 2013.12.1
- Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
- Expected
- Clone button is inactive
- Actions
- Save the record
- Set the broader object to 2013.12.1
- Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
- Save the record
- Using the right sidebar, add a related procedural record of any kind
- Set the broader object to 2013.12.2 (choose clone from the pop-up when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Broader object should save successfully
- Actions:
- Continue editing 2013.12.1a
- Hover over the broader object field for 2013.12.2 and click on the linked ID number in the pop-up
- Expected:
- The record 2013.12.2 should load
- The record should match the record you printed out for 2013.12.1a, including any data you added to the text and autocomplete fields, except:
- The Identification number should be 2013.12.2
- There should be no related records in the right sidebar
- Actions:
- In the top center search box, enter 2013.12.1 and click Search
- Click the link to 2013.12.1 in the search results list
- Expected:
- The record 2013.12.1 should load
- The record should match the record you printed out for 2013.12.1a, including any data you added to the text and autocomplete fields, except:
- The Identification number should be 2013.12.1
- There should be no related records in the right sidebar or hierarchy section
Test 4
- Actions:
- In the top center Search box, enter 2013.12.1a and click Search
- Click the link to 2013.12.1a in the search results list
- Expected:
- The record 2013.12.1a should load
- Actions:
- Edit at least one field and remember what you edited
- Do NOT save
- Add an object component 2013.12.1a.1
- Choose clone from the pop-up when prompted
- Expected:
- The clone button is inactive
- Actions:
- Save the record
- Add an object component 2013.12.1a.1 (select clone from the pop-up when prompted)
- Save the record
- Hover over the broader object field for 2013.12.1a.1 and click on the linked ID number in the pop-up
- Expected:
- The record 2013.12.1a.1 should load
- The record should match the record 2013.12.1a including the change you just made, but with the ID number 2013.12.1a.1, and without related records.