Hybrid names note from UCJEPS
Dick Moe
See http://ibot.sav.sk/icbn/no%20frames/0069AppendixINoHa001.htm and successive pages for the rules and recs about hybrid names and formulas
SMASCH handles named hybrids (i.e., names formed as Planta x alba or x Plantops geronimo) in the taxon names table exactly as other names but with a special flag causing the display of the times-sign. Hybrid names appear in a glossary like other names
SMASCH handles hybrid formulas (Planta alba x Planta rubra) as constructions. The participants in a hybrid formula must be in the taxon name glossary, but the formula is not in the glossary. The reason for this is probably that the theoretical number of binary hybrids is the series 1 .. n-1 where n is the number of names (is this right?--well it's rhetorically right) In reality the number of hybrid formulas that are used is much less, and probably hybrid formulas could appear in a glossary without reaching critical mass.
Andrew Doran
We’d basically need to create them at the generic (genus) and specific (species) level which could just involved a drop down pick list in front of the genus and
species in the ‘names’ table. Most names are not hybrids so in collectionspace the place to enter the second parent name would be by
default minimized and would just be repeating non hybrid names fields (genus, species, variety, cultivar etc.). Additional fields are also
needed for the parent names which would be a multivalue field that could list multiple parents.
In front of genus the following drop down pick list:
H hybrid formula *
X intergeneric hybrid (using a hybrid generic name) **
+ intergeneric graft chimaera (using a hybrid generic name) ***
blank not as above (the genus is not a hybrid; the normal situation)
* Examples of a hybrid formula at the genus level:
1. Gesneria albiflora Kuntze x Rhytidophyllum leucomallum Hanst.
2. Hypoxis parvula Baker var. albiflora x Rhodohypoxis baurii (Baker) Nel
** Examples of hybrid generic names:
3. x Chitalpa tashkentensis T.S.Elias & W.Wisura [= Catalpa bignonioides x
Chilopsis linearis]
4. x Odontioda bornhoffiae [= Cochlioda vulcanica x Odontoglossum cirrhosum]
*** Example of intergeneric graft chimaera:
5. + Laburnocytisus adamii C.Schneid. [= Laburnum anagyroides + Cytisus
In front of species the following drop down list:
H hybrid formula *
X Latin collective name for an interspecific hybrid **
HX hybrid formula where second parent is Latin collective name ***
XH hybrid formula where first parent is Latin collective name ***
XHX hybrid formula where both parents are Latin collective names
+ interspecific graft-chimaera
blank not as above (the normal condition)
* Examples of a hybrid formula:
1. Rhododendron burmanicum Hutch. x formosum Wall.
2. Tropaeolum majus L. x peltophorum Benth.
** Examples of Latin collective name:
3. Acer x dieckii Pax (= Acer lobelii x platanoides)
4. Saxifraga x boydii Dewar (= Saxifraga aretioides x burseriana)
*** Combination of hybrid formula and Latin collective name:
5. Magnolia (x soulangeana) x stellata
6. Magnolia stellata x (x soulangeana)