Term List Management - QA Test Plan
Term List Management - QA Test Plan
On this page
Test 1: Editing a Term List Name, Source, and Description
- Actions:
- Go to the top-level Tools menu of CollectionSpace, then click the Term Lists tab
- Click on an existing term list in the left hand column (one that has at least one value in the Used by area - you may need to expand to see)
- Expected:
- Revert button should be inactive
- Actions:
- Change the term list name
- Change the description
- Change the source
- Click the add (+) button above the Terms (values) table to add a blank row
- Click the Revert button
- Expected:
- The fields should change back to their original values
- The just-added blank row in the Terms (values) table should disappear
- Actions:
- Print out (or write down) the current values of the term list name, description and source fields
- Change each of these values once again: in the term list name, description and source fields
- Click Save
- Expected:
- After successful save, all fields should display as entered
- Actions:
- Change the term list name, description and source fields back to their previous values
- Click Save
- Expected:
- After successful save, all fields should display as entered
Test 2: Inactivating a Term
- Actions:
- Continuing from Test 1, change the Status of one of the terms to Inactive
- Click Save
- Expected:
- After successful save, the term's status should be displayed as Inactive
- Actions:
- Go to a record type in which this term list is used (noted in the Used By list, e.g. Place > Address Type)
- Click in the relevant field to see the terms that appear in the dropdown menu.
- Expected:
- Inactivated term should still appear in the list, but should appear grayed out and user should not be able to select it
- You may need to refresh your browser or clear your cache to see the change
- Inactivated term should still appear in the list, but should appear grayed out and user should not be able to select it
- Actions:
- Visit the Tools -> Term Lists
- Select the same term list from the left sidebar
- Change the term's status back to Active
- Click Save
- Expected:
- After successful save, the term's status should be displayed as Active
- Actions:
- Go to a record type in which this term list is used
- Click in the relevant field to see the terms that appear in the dropdown menu
- Expected:
- Active term should appear in the list, and user should be able to select it
- Active term should appear in the list, and user should be able to select it
Test 3: Adding a Term
- Actions:
- Return to Tools -> Term Lists
- Click on an existing term list in the left hand column (one that has at least one value in the Used by (field) area)
- Click the + button on the bottom left of the table
- Expected
- A new row should appear in the list
- Actions:
- Fill out each cell of the row with some values you remember
- Leave Status drop down on Active
- Click save
- Expected:
- After successful save the Terms table should now contain the new term you added, in addition to all of the terms that were already present.
- Actions:
- Go to a record type in which this term list is used
- Click in the relevant field to see the terms that appear in the dropdown menu
- Expected:
- The newly-added term should appear in the list, and user should be able to select it
Test 4: Editing an Existing Term
- Actions:
- Create a new Intake record
- In the Entry Number field, put Existing Term Test
- In Object Collection Method > Field Collection Method choose found dead
- Save
- Return to Tools > Term Lists
- Click on the Collection Method term list in the left hand column
- Edit the Term Name for found dead to found deadest
- Click Save
- Search for and open the Intake record for Existing Term Test
- Expected:
- The modified value, found deadest, should now be selected in the term list for the Field Collection Method field
- You may need to refresh your browser or clear your cache to see the change
- The modified value, found deadest, should now be selected in the term list for the Field Collection Method field
Test 5: Deleting a term
- Actions:
- Return to Tools > Term Lists
- Click on an existing term list in the left hand column (one that has at least one value in the Used by (field) area)
- Hint: you may want to use the term list / new term from Test 3
- Click the - delete button to the right of one of the terms
- Expected:
- Term should disappear from list
- Actions:
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Term should no longer be displayed in list
- Actions:
- Go to a record type in which this term list is used
- Click in a field in which the term list is used, to display its dropdown menu
- Expected:
- Term should not appear in list
Test 6: Attempting to delete an in-use term
- Actions:
- Create a new Intake record
- Fill in at least the Entry Number
- Select In Person as the Entry Method in the dropdown
- Save the record
- Return to Tools > Term Lists
- Click on Entry Method in the left hand column
- Expected:
- The Used By area should read Intake > Entry Method
- Actions
- Click the - delete button to the right of In Person
- Expected:
- The - delete button is inactive and cannot be clicked
- Actions:
- Click OK
- Expected:
- No changes should occur.
Test 7: Changing Term List Order
- Actions:
- Go To Tools > Term Lists
- Click on Entry Method in the left hand column
- Click on the Move Field Up button to the left of any but the first term in the list
- Note the new order of the terms in the list
- Save the record
- Expected
- The new order of the terms in the list is maintained
- Actions
- Create a new or open an existing Intake record
- Click on the Entry method dropdown
- The order of the terms in the dropdown should match the new order of the terms you just created
- You may need to refresh your browser or clear your cache to see the change
Test 8: Keyboard accessibility
Please note: If testing with Safari, in order to be able to tab to all the controls, you need to either hold down the option key while pressing tab, or check the option labeled "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in Preferences/Advanced.
- Do the following actions using keyboard only:
- Select a term list
- Edit all fields of the term list
- Add a new term to the term list
- Tab through all fields of the form
- Expected:
- At all times it should be possible to see which field has focus
- All the fields of the Terms (values) list should be reachable
- The Save, Delete and Cancel Changes buttons should be reachable
Entries in the Terms List to the left should be selectable
Test 9: Spend 3 minutes trying to break something!
- Spend a few minutes forcing the program to expose buggy behavior by:
- using the system in ways not covered by the testplan
- using the system in unexpected ways
- doing whatever you can think of that will produce bugs and unexpected behavior.
- Be creative!