Vocabulary User Story Summary
Sysadmin: Creating/managing vocabularies
Sysadmin can create a new vocabulary
- Sysadmin can create a new vocabulary from scratch
- Sysadmin can create a vocabulary from a file (e.g. CSV)
- Sysadmin can import an existing vocabulary (e.g. Getty, see instructions)
- Sysadmin can update an existing vocabulary
Sysadmin can configure a vocabulary for use with a field
Sysadmin can deactivate a vocabulary
User: Vocabulary management
User can add a new term to a vocabulary
User can view all provisionally added vocabulary terms
- User can approve/not a provisionally added term
- User can replace a provisionally added term with an accepted term
User can merge two or more existing vocabulary terms
User can edit an existing vocabulary term
User can inactivate a vocabulary term
User can view vocabulary term's usage (may limit by record type)
User can export vocabulary term's usage
User can edit the order (e.g. alphabetize) of a vocabulary
User: Adding terms to a record
User can add a term from a controlled list to a field
User can add a term from a vocabulary to a field
Possible Version 1 Workflow
- Term entered into field
- System performs look-up of vocabulary
- Search results returned to user
- User chooses term or adds new term to vocabulary
Possible Version 2 Workflow
- First few characters entered into field
- System suggests potential field values
- User can view additional information about each suggested term (date, source, etc.)
- User can select term from auto-suggest list or add new term to vocabulary
User can create relationships among vocabulary records, e.g. an organization to a place, a person to an organization, a role to a person, etc.
Vocabulary Types
Place (Geographic)
Storage Location
- Exhibition
- Collecting Event
Bibliographic (Citations)
Discussion Questions
How will a sysadmin (or other) handle local additions to an existing vocabulary?
What would the workflow for denying a provisional term look like?