Media Handling User Story Summary
What open source tools will we use for media management? ImageMagick? ImageJ? Mistral? Combination?
Media management
User can upload image, moving image, audio, document, etc. file types
User can download image, moving image, audio, document, etc. file types
User can transform uploaded media to create derivatives/alternate formats (e.g. tif to jpg, .mov to gif preview)
Sysadmin can specify derivative types and configure for specific uses (e.g. web, kiosk, etc.)
Media support create, edit, relationships
User can create media record
- User can upload media to media record
- User can add data to media record
- User can create derivative media record / child page of original record
User can relate media record to object, procedural, or organizational record
User can create a new object, procedural, or organizational record from a media record
User can view media records attached to a record (via docs/media screen)
User can specify uses of media records attached to a record (e.g. whether media is the
object itself or a representation, if an image should be public/private, etc.)
User can assign status to media records (active, inactive, derivative, etc.)
User can create media record from create new navigation screen
User can create media record from within an object, procedural, or organizational record
User can edit media record data
User can view media record's usage (may limit by record type)