Audit Requirements
Audit Requirements
The examination of objects or object information, in order to verify their location, authenticity, accuracy and relationships.
- Ensure that the organisation maintains, manages and documents a regular review of the objects in its collections and the information relating to them;
- Ensure that the audit of objects is based on the physical presence of the objects;
- Ensure that all relevant object-related documentation is updated as required in a timely manner;
- Ensure that remedial action is taken as required, following discovery of missing objects, wrongly or inadequately documented objects, or undocumented objects;
- Ensure that, wherever possible, inventory checks are conducted or witnessed by a person not responsible for their custody or record-keeping.
Standards, Guidelines + Use Cases
Use Cases and Community Design Workshop Notes
Spectrum Procedure: Audit
Definition and requirements from:
Spectrum Version 3.1
Created and Maintained by CollectionsTrust