Storage Location Requirements

Storage Location Requirements


A location is a specific place where an object or group of objects is stored or displayed.


The system should allow the user to:

  • Create and maintain a controlled list of storage and display locations
  • Create a hierarchical list if necessary

Standards, Guidelines + Use Cases

Use Cases and Community Design Workshop Notes

CDWA Current Location: Gallery/Shelf Location

CHIN Humanities Data Dictionary: Storage Location

CIDOC Excerpts: P53-P55

P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of)

Quantification: many to many, necessary (1,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property allows an instance of E53 Place to be associated as the former or current location of an instance of E18 Physical Thing.

Example: silver cup 232 (E22) has former or current location Display Case 4, Room 23, Museum of Oxford (E53)

P54 has current permanent location (is current permanent location of)

Quantification: many to one (0,1:0,n)

Scope note: This property records the foreseen permanent location of an instance of E19 Physical Object at the time this property was recorded.

Example: silver cup 232 (E22) has current permanent location Shelf 3.1, Store 2, Museum of Oxford (E53)

P55 has current location (currently holds)

Quantification: many to one (0,1:0,n)

Scope note: This property records the location of an E19 Physical Object at the time the property was recorded.

Example: silver cup 232 (E22) has current location Display cabinet 23, Room 4, British Museum (E53)

Spectrum: Current Location

Definition: The place within the organisation where an object is currently located.

How to record: Use a single term or code. Maintain a list of standard terms or codes. Ensure that all locations can be specifically described with unique terms.

Examples: U.23.2.4a room 1, case 3, shelf 4

Use: Record once for any object at any one time. Information about the Current location may be retained but it is only the single Current location which does not have a Removal date associated with it which is the 'active' Current location.



Location Service


Storage Location Authority Schema


Hierarchical Authorities - BT NT Workflows

User Story Summaries

Location and Movement Control User Story Summaries

Definition and requirements from:
Spectrum Version 3.1
Created and Maintained by CollectionsTrust