Community Design Workshop Notes - Condition
Community Design Workshop Notes - Condition
- There are different steps for - incoming object - existing objects - outgoing
objects - Identify the object - want it for loan, exhibition, etc.
- See what condition check has to occur
- Desire to check the condition
- Regular check
- Movement of object
- Exhibition needs
- Storage and transportation
- Move to the object or move the object: "Does x need to come to me or I need to go to x"
- Check conservation record/condition reports - for tax
- Direct actions taken to change the condition of an object
- Conservator are work with detailed forms
- Have enormous detailed documents related to treatment of objects...to build it into the collections management system...?
- Ultimately focus needs to be on preservation and care issues. the more that you can get the specification into the database, the better you serve the collection
- Somewhere people can go in and see - what kinda gloves i need to wear, etc.
- Framer to go in and see what are my work priorities for this, work flow and task lists to be laid out, what are the objects and somebody else can go in and manage it.
- Something that starts the whole condition
- CMS should contain existing info: if someone's done it already- list existing condition report
- Evaluate info - does it represent known preset state of object
- If not, create assessment --> condition assessment --> need conservation (preventative care)
- Need to know conditions
, multiple selections available,