Reporting Requirements - Sample Reports

Reporting Requirements - Sample Reports

Hearst Museum of Anthropology

See attachments to this page

Museum of the Moving Image

1. Object information

  • Limited by search results
  • Includes 10-15 fields
  • Exports as html or tab delimited

2. Authority information

  • Limited by authority type (e.g. name, production, publication)
  • Includes 10-15 fields
  • Exports as html or tab delimited

3. Donor information

  • Limited by search results
  • Includes donor name, contact information
  • Exports as html or tab delimited

4. Group information

  • Limited by group type (similar to authority)
  • Includes 10-15 fields
  • Exports as html or tab delimited

Statens Museum for Kunst

Key reports:

Catalogue word - is data output from Globus based on a search result i.e. list of selected inventory numbers. The output comes from Registratur2000, type of report: Catalogue and format word. The catalogue template is meant for the collection of old foreign painting.
Catalogue word modern art - is data output from Globus based on a search result i.e. list of selected inventory numbers. The output comes from Registratur2000, type of report: Catalogue and format word. The catalogue template is meant for the collection of modern art.
Label - is data output from Globus based on a search result i.e. list of selected inventory numbers. The output comes from Registratur2000, type of report: Skilte (label). The label template is meant for the permanent collection on display. Words in the colour green are data missing in the record.
Object entry arrives - is a template to inform persons involved about the arrive of a work of art.
Object entry takes up from SMK   - is a template to inform persons involved about a take up of a work of art.
Loan in couriering - is a plan to manage loan in arrive, packing out and couriering.
Loan in transport list of work - is a template from Rapid, system to manage incoming loans for exhibitions.
Transport and Packing - is data output from Rapid to a template in word, used for description of packing requirement.
Loan in label - can be used to label the transport in case or placed on the wall in the exhibition, template from Rapid.
Loan in condition report concerning works on paper - is a template from Rapid. The template can be used for loan out as well.
Loan in condition report concerning sculpture - is a template from Rapid.
Receipts new acquisition - arrival SMK
Receipts deposit - arrival SMK
Receipts deposit - depart SMK
Receipts loan in private - arrival SMK
Receipts loan in private - depart SMK
Receipts works on visit - arrival SMK
Receipts works on visit - depart SMK
Location control revision - is data output from Globus based on a search result i.e. list of selected inventory numbers. The output comes from Registratur2000, type of report: Revisions report and format in word (schema). The template is meant for inspection the SMK collection and documentation of actual location.

University and Jepson Herbaria

Walker Art Center