Preferred and Non Preferred Term Workflows

Preferred and Non Preferred Term Workflows

Using the Person Authority as an exemplar, with a configuration where the use of NPTs is allowed.

ScenarioCurrent behaviorPreferred behavior
Preferred term Test PT is added to Person Authority Record + used in a recordTest PT can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Preferred term Test PT is edited/changed to read Test PTxAll instances where Test PT is in use are updated to Test PTxCurrent behavior correct.
Nonpreferred term Test NPT-A is added to Person Authority Record + used in a recordTest NPT-A can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Nonpreferred term Test NPT-B is added to Person Authority Record + used in a recordTest NPT-B can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Preferred term changed from Test PT to Test NPT-AAll instances where Test PT is in use are updated to Test NPT-A

Current behavior is correct

Preferred term Test PT is deleted (not the whole record, just the term)All instances where Test PT is in use are updated to Test NPT-A

CSpace should not allow deletion.

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Nonpreferred term Test NPT-B is edited/changed to read Test NPT-Bx

All instances where Test NPT-B is in use remain the same

Editing a different field in a record where Test NPT-B is in use does not update the authority reference

Only Test NPT-Bx can be found/used while editing fields pointing to the person authority

Right sidebar references to both Test NPT-B and Test NPT-Bx remain, and link to the record for Test NPT-A

References to Test NPT-B should update to Test NPT-Bx.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Nonpreferred term Test NPT-Bx is deleted

All instances where Test NPT-B and Test NPT-Bx are in use remain the same

Test NPT-Bx cannot be found/used while editing fields pointing to the person authority

Right sidebar references to both Test NPT-B and Test NPT-Bx remain, and link to the record for Test NPT-A

CSpace should not allow deletion.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Preferred term Test PT is added to Person Authority Record + used in a recordTest PT can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Nonpreferred term Test NPT-A is added to Person Authority Record + used in a recordTest NPT-A can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Nonpreferred term Test NPT-A is used in the Narrower Term field of an authority hierarchyAfter save, narrower term field shows Test PT as the narrower term

Current behavior is correct.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Terms Test PT and Test NPA-A are both used in records. User searches for Test PT via keyword search.Only records using Test PT are returned.

All records using Test PT and its NPTs are returned.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Terms Test PT and Test NPT-A are both used in records. User searches for Test NPT-A via keyword search.Only records using Test NPT-A are returned.

All records using Test PT and its NPTs are returned.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Terms Test PT and Test NPA-A are both used in records. User searches for Test PT via advanced search.Only records using Test PT are returned.

Now: All records using Test PT and its NPTs are returned.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Future would be nice: User given option to include PT and all NPTs in search results.

Terms Test PT and Test NPT-A are both used in records. User searches for Test NPT-A via advanced search.Only records using Test NPT-A are returned.

Now: All records using Test PT and its NPTs are returned.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Future would be nice: User given option to include PT and all NPTs in search results.

Preferred term Delete Test 1 is added to Person Authority Record + not used in a recordDelete Test 1 can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Nonpreferred term Delete Test 2 is added to the same Person Authority Record + used in a recordDelete Test 2 can be found/used by all fields pointing to the person authority 
Term record Delete Test 1 is deletedRecord cannot be deletedCurrent behavior is correct.