Propagation Review and Comment Page

Propagation Review and Comment Page

Schema (Excel version here)

CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? Default Controlled List Contents
Propagation informationPropagation ID TextNo  
 Propagation date Structured dateNo  
 Reason for propagation Controlled listNo class use; research; garden collection; distribution; conservation
 Propagation type Controlled listNo seed; cutting; living plant; division; bulb/corm/tuber; graft; tissue culture
 Number started TextNo  
 Comments TextNo  
 Seeds   No 
 Scarification/Stratification Controlled listYes abrade; boiling water; GA3; fire; freeze; isopropyl alcohol; nick; pericarp removed/broken; sead coat removed; sulfuric acid; cold strat; warm strat; smoke; water soak
 Date TextYes  
 Unit Controlled listYes hours; days; weeks; months
 Extra seeds? CheckboxNo  
 Spore CheckboxNo  
 Cuttings   No 
 Cutting type Controlled listNo softwood; semi-hardwood; hardwood; heel; dormant; root
 Hormone Controlled listNo dip and grow; Hormex; hormone; IBA; IBA talc; NAA; Rootone
 Concentration TextNo  
 Wounded? CheckboxNo  
 Living Plant Material     
 Plant type Controlled listNo bare root; bulb; bulblets; bulbs; bulb scales; corm; corms; division; living plant; rooted pieces; seedling; seedlings; transplant; tuber
 Propagation activities Text Yes 
 Order Structured dateNo  
 Activity date Controlled listNo  
 Type TextNo see full list
 Propagule count TextNo  
 Medium Propagation medium authorityNo  
 Pot size Controlled listNo see full list
 Location in nursery Garden location authorityNo  
 Conditions Controlled listNo bottom heat; bright location; darkness; glass cover; intermittent mist; lights; metal ponds; water tray
 Chemical applied TextNo  
 Concentration TextNo  
 Comments TextNo  
 Germination/rooting date Calendar dateNo  
 Success rate TextNo