NAGPRA Management Procedure Review and Comment Page

NAGPRA Management Procedure Review and Comment Page

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CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? CSpace Default Controlled List Contents
NAGPRA Claim InformationClaim number TextNo  
 Claim name TextNo  
 Alternate claim names or numbers     
 Name TextNoNo 
 Note TextNo  
 Filed by Organization authority; Person authorityNoYes 
 On behalf of Organization authority; Person authorityNo  
 Note TextNo  
 Claim type Controlled listYes affiliated human skeletal remains; unaffiliated human skeletal remains; associated funerary object; unassociated funerary object; sacred object; object of cultural patrimony; not subject to NAGPRA; needs further research; unknown
 Date claim filed     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Notes on claim TextYes  
Claim contextSites involved     
 Site or place name Place authorityNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Cultural groups involved     
 Name Ethnographic cultures authorityNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Time period(s) represented     
 Period or date Structured dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
Claims processing informationDate of initial response     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Date sent to NAGPRA committee     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Recommendation of NAGPRA committee     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Recommendation TextNo  
 Date sent to National NAGPRA     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Response from National NAGPRA     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Response TextNo  
 Publication by National NAGPRA     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Start and end dates for National NAGPRA's 30-day notice     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Type Controlled list; staticNo period begins; period ends
 Note TextNo  
 Date of Transfer     
 Date Calendar dateNoYes 
 Note TextNo  
 Tasks to be completed     
 Disposition possibilities discussed CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Surrounding tribes contacted CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Institutional NAGPRA team notified CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Site file research completed CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Accession file research completed CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Objects located and counted CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Objects consolidated CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Objects photographed CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Registration documents drawn up CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Tribe contacted for packing/storage instructions CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Date arranged for pickup/transfer CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Objects marked as deaccessioned CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo  
 Claim documents archives CheckboxNoNo 
 Notes TextNo